

At KLARSKIN we are strong advocates for eating healthy, but do not believe there is one specific diet plan to follow. Every body is different.

We are a sum of our genetic composition, environment, diet and lifestyle.

How we consume and digest our food varies from culture to upbringing, location, microbiome and microbiota.

Psychologically some individuals prefer to follow diets to stay on track, and some don’t have the need so instead consume depending on how they feel. The long and short of it is that diets are very personal and vary from individual to individual, however there are certain routines that we like to stick to when it comes to eating in order to optimise skin, body and immune health.

Eating well and seasonally is a staple that shouldn’t be so complicated.

A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts (and if not vegan, fish and organic meats) will keep your body nourished and help obtain the healthiest version of yourself. We put food first and believe in investing in high quality, locally sourced ingrdients is the first and most essential step to long term overall health.

Eric Boman, Vogue 2016


This is why we wanted to write this blog post to highlight some eating habits that may be causing Insulin Resistance, especially during quarrantine.

Insulin resistance happens when cells in your muscles, fat and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t use glucose from your body for energy. To make up for it your pancreases creates more insulin, driving your blood sugar levels up.

A healthy blood sugar level is important when looking at skin, body and overall immunity health. High blood sugar levels have known to be associated with premature lines, acne and dryness in the skin. Other symptoms are dips in energy levels.

High insulin comes from a diet high in refined carbs and sugar.

Excess rice, bread and flour can lead to a high insulin state. This in turn leads to an increase in blood sugar levels which also helps feed pathogenic organisms, giving them energy to grow.

You can read more about the link between acne and pathogen growth within the liver here.

Your innate immune system has a lot of cross talk with the mitochondrial energy systems in the body - if you feel like you have low energy slumps throughout the day, this may be an early indicator of this spike.

Being aware of the excess consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugars is the first step.

Investing in your health when you are young helps keep the immune system strong as we age.

Apart from eating a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, below are other steps you might want to be aware of.


Irving Penn, Vogue 2001


Intermittent fasting is great during quarantine as you’re not moving as much. We like to stop eating at 6pm every evening and have breakfast after our Radiance Powder when we wake up.

Protein cycling by eating meat or heavy proteins on alternate days or every few days. This process has a similar effect to fasting and may create a false protein deficiency lowering your insulin levels. Having both high and low protein days means your body will not store the foods you eat as fat but instead work to build muscle and burn fat.

Increasing your fresh fruit and vegetable intake if you can. Remember to wash your produce thoroughly.

High Quality Pre and Probiotics with Soluble Fibres to support microbiome health and control pathogenic overgrowth, supporting the immune system from within.

The Radiance Powdercontains a high dose of inulin, a core ingredient that seems to lower glucose and insulin levels after meals. Baobab Fibre also found high up in the ingredient list has both a high Vitamin C and Fibre content, with the antioxidants found within being an essential component in protecting cells from accelerated ageing. 



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